Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I have been trying to write a section on MIMO for a while. Wow what a difficult subject this is to tackle. There are so many issues, despite having read nearly every book on the topic, I still can not decide how to organize the chapter. Calculation of capacity is a big issue. But for that we have: ergodic channel, channel with outage, we have fading channels, with slow frequency selective, slow non-frequency selective, fast and selective and fast and non. Then there are channel with some correlation and channels that are random. Then there is space-time coding, and multi user MIMO and it keeps going. Fascinating subject but also messy. Hope I can do it justice.

There are some graphs in the Proakis book in the MIMO chapter that I would like to reproduce, by replotting. But the equations are complicated, with gamma functions and derivatives of gamma functions. One person must have done these long time ago and now every one copies the same pictures. Maybe I will end up doing the same thing. But I hope not. Plan on finishing the MIMO chapter by end of December.

Happy Thanksiving.
My special thanks to all of you who write to me with your appreciation of my website. I don't always answer each email but please know that your comments make my day!


  1. Hi Charan,

    I'm a big fan of your site (and open-source learning in general) and the way you explain concepts in communications in an intuitive manner. I'm greatly looking forward to how you explain MIMO. It seems like there is A LOT of new developments concerning MIMO-OFDM and the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff.

    All the best,

  2. Hi Charan,

    Your website "" has helped me a lot in getting an intuitive understanding of the otherwise complex Signal Processing and Communication theory. I am expecting more concepts from the-most-difficult Information Theory to be explained! Hats off for your work!!

    Thanks a ton,
    Shriram Nandakumar

  3. Hi Charan,
    I came to your website via google by accident. The tutorials are verg helpful for me. At the beginning, I read the chapters about turbo coding. I tried lots of documents, but most of them are too complicated for me. After reading your tutorials, I understand turbo coding now. Then I looked through all the tutorials on communications. You really did a great job.

    Thank you.

    Changan Zhu

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